Jimmie and I both grew up in Howell Township and we spent time at each other's home doing whatever young boys of the time did. I can recall an apple tree in his back yard which we climbed time and time again. It seemed so tall back then. Our families moved to Lakewood at approximately the same time, and for the next 9 years, I was to see many different facets of his personality. I'm not sure what Ayn Rand would write here, so all that I will add is a reversal of what he wrote on page 155 of my yearbook: "Most Studious from Most Cynical: ... I can't think of anything more to write here..." so, Most Studious to Most Cynical, I can't think of anything more to write here.
Jimmy Carner, my good friend and one of the smartest kids in the class and physically one of the strongest. I remember fondly many rounds on the LHS golf team with Jimmy, he was a tough competitor and won almost all of his matches in his high school careeer. Also days we spent as a caddies at Lakewood Golf Course waiting in the caddie-shack and pitching pennies against its back wall while we waited for a loop. Jimmy went to Reed College in Portland, became a jazz musican and gourmet chef, among other interests. There is a saying that some people find the pace of life too-slow and step out, and other people find the pace of live too-fast and step out, well, Jimmy was the former, and I still miss him. My best to his sister Claudia and his entire family. Rave on, Jimmy.
Harvey Gold
Jimmie and I both grew up in Howell Township and we spent time at each other's home doing whatever young boys of the time did. I can recall an apple tree in his back yard which we climbed time and time again. It seemed so tall back then. Our families moved to Lakewood at approximately the same time, and for the next 9 years, I was to see many different facets of his personality. I'm not sure what Ayn Rand would write here, so all that I will add is a reversal of what he wrote on page 155 of my yearbook: "Most Studious from Most Cynical: ... I can't think of anything more to write here..." so, Most Studious to Most Cynical, I can't think of anything more to write here.
Richard Brooke
Jimmy Carner, my good friend and one of the smartest kids in the class and physically one of the strongest. I remember fondly many rounds on the LHS golf team with Jimmy, he was a tough competitor and won almost all of his matches in his high school careeer. Also days we spent as a caddies at Lakewood Golf Course waiting in the caddie-shack and pitching pennies against its back wall while we waited for a loop. Jimmy went to Reed College in Portland, became a jazz musican and gourmet chef, among other interests. There is a saying that some people find the pace of life too-slow and step out, and other people find the pace of live too-fast and step out, well, Jimmy was the former, and I still miss him. My best to his sister Claudia and his entire family. Rave on, Jimmy.
Ricky Brooke