Alex died January 26, 1977 as a result of his injuries in the performance of his firefighting duties at The Allaben Hotel.
" The Lakewood Fire Department would experience its own tragedy with the death of two firefighters. The deadly fire occurred the night of December 23, 1976, at the Hotel Allaben, located at the northeast corner of Monmouth Ave and Fifth Street. The department was summoned at 1:19 AM for a working hotel fire. Firefighters Stanley Marks and Alex Latyshev, members of Junior Hose Company No 3, were part of a crew that advanced a hose line to the second floor when conditions in that section of the hotel rapidly deteriorated and a flashover occurred trapping the men. The body of Firefighter Stanley Marks was found the next morning on the first floor just below the area of flashover having fallen through the burned-away floor above. Firefighter Latyshev was able to get to a small second-floor window and was pulled down a ladder to safety. He was rush to a burn unit in Philadelphia but would succumb to burns received during the flashover conditions on January 26, 1977."